Olympian Minute Book®
Olympian Minute Book

Price: $54.95 for Phone, Fax & email orders
Website Price $49.95

Product Lead Time: Usually ships same day if received by 1 pm CST
Product Code: OMB

Gold Stamping Line 1:
[Additional $10.00] Enter text exactly as you wish it to appear on the binder. Depending on the length of the name we may have to break the name into multiple lines. Gold stamping default font is Times New Roman but other font styles are available upon request. Logos may also be imprinted at an additional cost provided they meet our graphic requirements.
Use if you want text on it's own line, separate from you Company name. Examples include: Volume II, Minutes 2015, etc.

Include Corporate/LLC Tab Indexes:
[Add $3.95]
Other Information

Special Instructions:

Order Approval

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Product Description

The Olympian Minute Book is a highly efficient and self-contained minute book that conveniently folds to form an integral dust cover. It boasts a rich and stylish design, featuring a dark gray washed linen bookbinders cloth that is padded for added comfort. It comes equipped with three extra-large 1.5" D-rings, providing ample capacity for all your needs. The improved magnetic enclosure ensures easy opening and closing, with The Company Name elegantly gold embossed on the closure spine. Includes 50 Sheets of 20 lb. Liberty Legal Watermarked Security Paper.

This comprises of The Olympian Minute Book ONLY.
If you need to purchase the Complete Corporate Kit, Please Select
“Corporate & LLC Kits” located in the Navigation Bar Above!

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